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Select your style of bear:

Classic 18"
Classic 22"
Jointed 18"
Mohair 21"

Choose one or more accessories:
First accessory is FREE, additional accessories are £5 each (Pocket Heart, Scarf, Collar & Tie).
First accessory is FREE.
Additional accessories are £5 each.
(Pocket Heart, Scarf, Collar & Tie)

Pocket heart
Collar & Tie

Embroidery options:

One foot
Both feet
To proceed with your order, please
pay a £20 deposit via PayPal.

Please note:
Embroidery space is limited.

Size and font used for embroidery will be chosen by Second Star based on the location required to ensure the best results.

Second Star will contact you to discuss embroidery options.
Second Star Memory Bear Keepsakes on Facebook Second Star Memory Bear Keepsakes are a Small Local Business Second Star Memory Bear Keepsakes are Handmade in the UK